
Fotona4D® is a series of synergistic, non-invasive laser treatments of both the exterior facial and interior oral cavity, enabling full-thickness contraction of collagen for persistent tightening and volumization without injectables. Anti-aging is comprehensively approached from 4 different levels, working on deeper, medial and superficial connective structures of the skin, as well as targeting imperfections.

Advantages of Fotona4D®:

  • Tightening and volumization without the need for fillers or toxins
  • A full lifting treatment from the inside out
  • Immediate rejuvenation, tightening and glow
  • Improved skin complexion
  • Little or no downtime
  • No surgery, needles or anesthesia

  • Step 1: SmoothLiftin™ A gentle Intraoral heating treatment which stimulates collagen contraction resulting in improved skin tightness.
    – 抚平法令纹及嘴边皮肤
  • Step 2: FRAC3®: The treatment of specific, deeper imperfections to complement the effect of the intraoral treatment, as well as restore youthful texture.
    – 刺激胶原蛋白再生,拉紧面部肌肤组织。
  • Step 3: PIANO®: Safe, and rapid external laser tissue heating concentrating on deepenergy delivery for an synergistic tightening effect.
    – 深层刺激胶原蛋白再生,去除皱纹,还原均匀有弹性的肤质。
  • Step 4: SupErficial™: A light peel which improves the appearance of the skin, and reduces mperfections, giving the skin a pearl finish.
    – 调理肤质的微光磨皮术,让皮肤看起来更加平滑柔亮。

Fotona4D is a series of synergistic, non-invasive laser treatments of both the exterior facial and interior oral cavity, enabling full-thickness contraction of collagen for persistent tightening and volumization without injectables. With two laser wavelengths and 4 treatment modes, antiaging is comprehensively approached from 4 different levels, working on deeper, medial and superficial connective structures of the skin, as well as targeting imperfections.
Results will vary with every individual, but most patients see some immediate results, with the complete result taking place gradually over a time period of 2–3 months, if you elect to have a more aggressive treatment, you may experience a day or two of redness.
Everyone is different, but typically there is a gradual warming sensation, and after a few minutes you may experience some very brief hot sensations in the treatment area, which dissipate quickly.
No, the treatment is non-surgical, and non-invasive allowing patients to walk-in, and walk-out.

Courtesy of: Adrian Gaspar, MD

Courtesy of: Adrian Gaspar, MD

Courtesy of: Adrian Gaspar, MD

Courtesy of: Pham Huu Nghi, MD, PhD - Vietnam

Courtesy of: Fernandez, MD

Courtesy of: Adrian Gaspar, MD

Courtesy of: Harvey Shiffman, MD

Courtesy of: Ivan Peev, MD

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